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Max Viewable Distance Changer. This plugin could be used on deathrun maps. When a player sends a team message or a radio message, the members of his team will see where the player is. This plugin randomly changes the C4 timer at roundstart. This plugin turns HE nades into snowballs nades. multijump.sma

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This may help to catch wallhackers, via some commands and cvars.

install for me with teamviewer [Counter-Strike ] [Forum Threads]

All credits for the new beautiful RPG model goes to Qwertyus. Now you can hear bullets fly by if an enemy is shooting at you. You can modify as ,ultijump.sma want, either frags and let the default deaths, or the reverse action.

This is a simple Jetpack plugin with a specific way of control, different than the others you can find on AMX Mod X, for example. When you get close to the dead body you will automatically loot them. Use multijmp.sma with the DeathrunManager by xPaw. Plugin is automatically unloaded and can't be loaded if the current map played is not a surf map.

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Increases the velocity of a player who is in the grenade explosion radius. CS User Model Menuz. This plugin just adds small dyanmic lights when a player shoots. Enables clusters on a HE grenade explosion. Just simple start your message with "! For mulgijump.sma, the first lines have priority over the last lines of the file.

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This plugin is not very multijukp.sma since AMX Mod log chat messages into the standard AMX logs, but this current logs them into an htm file. It restricts players who have a ratio greater than a specific defined ratio from some levels of cvars.


A bit better to avoid "spam" at each spawn! So, don't blame the plugin if a radio doesn't work, try to update it via shoutcast, for example. Where you aim and fire on an entity, the plugin shows you a red HUD message, with the entity index, and tells you to open your console to see more infos about this entity.

With this plugin you multijump.s,a restrict names from a file and give them a replacer. Anyone you kill counts as a kill. multijum.psma

This plugin changes the game description to display the timeleft. This one is really complete, you have all the commands you need to manage walls per map, and even a great menu! So, if you edit it manually, just modify the cvars value, that's all! Multkjump.sma is a simple plugin what removes annoying knife animation.

Помощь в создании, настройке сервера CS 1.6.

You have to know, these are "extras" money and frags, what means the value of the cvars are added to the default CS prize given. Cheaters pay attention to spectators, so keep in mind that the more players will be on your server, the more difficult it will be to see you are not really alive. To use on the Christmas period! Between 9AM and midday, it loads the "mapcycle1. This plugin allows you to play background music on your multijujp.sma during the round.


It's just like you spawned in the enemy team. The plugin can be set via some cvars. Plugin provides additional colored text for "Fire in the hole! Changes the HP health of the hostages.

But, it gives some advantages, as a particular Jedi Force, low gravity, high HP value, droide mode, etc. When a multiuump.sma has been disarmed, he has no longer any weapon, even his knife!


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